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Englefield Estate

Residential Form

Please complete this enquiry form in full. Your details will be securely stored on our Enquiry Database for a maximum of one year from the date of receipt of your completed form. If you are still looking for a property after this time, we ask that you please submit a further up to date Enquiry Form. Should any of your details change or should you wish to be removed from our Enquiry List at any time please do let us know at office@englefield.co.uk.

All the information you provide on this form is strictly confidential and solely for the use of the Englefield Estate in relation to your enquiry. All your data is stored and processed in compliance with EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This information cannot and will not be passed to any other person or business unless you agree that the Estate may do so. A copy of our Privacy Notice can be found here.

* Denotes mandatory fields.

Applicant Details
If not currently renting please enter the value as £0.00
Does this include bills? *
Have you ever had any County Court Judgements against you? *
Have you ever been declared bankrupt or entered into an IVA? *
Please confirm if you are claiming Housing Benefit/Universal Credit? *
Please confirm if you have any pets? *
Please advise if you are a smoker? *
Have you been a tenant of Englefield Estate previously? *
Occupant Details
Location *
Please tick each location you would consider (please note, multiple locations increase opportunities).
Reference Check Details
Current Landlord
Please Note – The Estate will only contact your Landlord after you have provided consent.
Employment Details
Applicant 1 *
Type of employment *
Applicant 2
Type of employment
Contact Permissions

Any offer of a tenancy would be subject to receiving satisfactory references for all tenants and guarantors. If offered a property we will also need to see proof that all adults who are to live in the property have the right to rent in the United Kingdom in line with the requirements of the Immigration Act 2014.